Curled up with hubby, beer, Becket and some new reading material: namely Richard Mabey's Food for Free and Food in Early Modern Europe for inspiration.
I have found out that my damsons are in fact, bullace... So it seems I have bullace gin brewing in my cupboard... Which is good to know.
I also have now a wish list for the next few months:
1) ghostberry jam (allegedly rare but tasty)
2) bird cherry gin/vodka/wine
3) nettle wine
4) ash key pickle
5) beechnuts
6) sweet chesnuts
I also discovered some weird fruit in the graveyard in totnes, which are called medlars. These need to be bletted apparently (ie left to semi-rot) before being eaten with sugar and cream. Let's just say the hubby is not wildly keen.
Anyhow, I'll let you know how I get on! Nighty nighy. X
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