Sunday 13 October 2013

Adventure 9: The Last of the Sloes (13.10.13)

Despite the disgusting rain (which apparently is normal in Devon at this time if year... Why did I ever agree to relocate?!?!) the hubby and I strolled up to the university campus and picked the last straggling sloes and damsons and some of the acorns. Though sloe and damson season is clearly, rapidly drawing to a close, acorns seem fairly abundant and I have started collecting. I have put them to dry out but spent the evening shucking the ones from last week with a pair if scissors (hint, dont try and bite them...). Its long and arduous (and hubby has described me as cute but crazy) but hopefully in a few weeks I should have acorn flour. Hooray! More on this another day, but am pleased to have found an alternative method of making it where I will not require a blender. Anyhow, more on this soon. Goodnight! X

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