Sunday 6 October 2013

Adventure 6: Sloe and Damson Heaven (06.10.13)

The hubby wanted to do work (its Sunday, but you know, whatever!). He has a conference in Freiburg later this week and thus, I took the opportunity to go foraging. I walked along the pathway to the university picking  some rose  hips on the way (getting some very funny looks from students) and through the valley. I then went on a wander up the back of the university campus and behold! I found a load of sloes and damsons! I collected nearly a kilo. Am very scratched and nettle stung but it was worth it, I think. I also found some interesting berries in the old botanical gardens which I have since identified as black cherries from North America. Have an early start tomorrow to go fetch them before the birds eat them! Anyhow, aching and scratched to death, this domestic goddess bids you all Good night! Have a good week! x

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