Sunday, 13 October 2013

Adventure 8: Crabby with Crab Apples (9-13.10.13)

Happy Sunday followers! Been feeling crabby with my cold and Levi being away in Germany on a conference, but am on the mend and I got the hubby back last night. Busy week with classes and prep, catching up with old colleagues Friday, and the lovely Sophie and Arran in Plymouth yesterday (we had an amazing lunch of fresh fish and chips at the Ship so having a lazy Sunday so far with a trashy Wendy Holden novel and some crumpets.
Foraging wise, have picked the last of the crab apples I could find over hanging the cemetery wall near my house. Made me think of Elaine's status on FB recently: Protip from an old lady on the bus re: blackberrying: "Go to the churchyard! They're twice as big there, and very tasty, because of all the bodies!" And true to form, these apples are very yummy. I now have a proper jelly muslin cloth (the pillow case was looking a bit sad) and have made a small jar of crab apple jelly which I was pleased with because I really didn't have that many apples. 

My cherry liqueur collection on my kitchen sill

Other news, damson gin going well. Have also put on the second batch of black cherry liqueur as the first one seems to be getting on so well. Have roasted my acorns, and am now saving up to buy a second hand food processor to make them into flour. The hubby thinks I'm mad, but I've told him to get me one for Christmas and in the meantime am keeping an eye on Gum tree.... 

Cherry picking on Monday

 My cherries! Om Nom Nom

Anyhow am off for a nice walk with my bucket and hubby! Have a good week! x

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