Saturday 25 January 2014

Adventure 22: Buvvy - Gateway to Dartmoor. I think not.

Okey dokey. After an intense week with inspectors in, it was so lovely to have the time to go explore this weekend. I will let you know, as soon as I am able, how the inspection went. 

This Saturday, Levi and I hit Bovey Tracey (locally known as 'Buvvy'). 
After a couple of minutes trying to persuade the bus driver where we actually wanted to go ("Buvvy? Bovey? Boovey? Bovey Tracey? Buvvy?!?" "Ah yeah, Buvvy!" -_-) we were off. Lovely to get out of Exeter! 

 We arrived at this small Dartmoor town in the brilliant sunshine to find a little market in the centre where we picked up some lunch - homemade sausage roll and homity pie (made from potato, leek, bacon, garlic and cream). We then went in search of  some moor to climb - we had after all read it was the so called Gateway to Dartmoor. Such lies! We may have been technically in the Park but the lilting moors where seemingly out of reach.We did, however, find a National Trust property called Parke ( and with it a very pleasant woodland walk. Then we wandered round the country roads seeinig innumerable sheep, cows and a rather cute cottage next to a  little brook. Eight miles or so later we got back to Buvvey and had a pint in The Bell ( which was supposedly 8.4 on the website Beer in the Evening. The interior was nice enough but the beer selection was uninteresting. Personally, I don't really feel the response to ' what colour is this beer?' should be a shrug... and it was really empty. Once back in Exeter we went to a new place just opened called the Beer Cellar ( a kind of beer cafe and had a pleasant pint of Devon Glory. Not massively atmospheric but a good addition to the real ale circuit here in Exeter nonetheless.

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