Saturday 18 January 2014

Adventure 21: A World in Sepia

Not much of an update this week I'm afraid. The dreaded Ofsted is in town next week (school inspectors for you guys outside of the UK) and though I'm sure we'll be more than fine, one can't help but stress one's butt off. I'm in work in a few hours (its Sunday) but in a bid to de-stress I wanted to get out today. But in true Devon style for this time of year the weather was utterly foul. Driving rain, howling wind, freezing cold: as I say, absolutely foul. And being a stressed numpty, I thought this would be a great opportunity to hit the seaside at Sidmouth in East Devon. The cliffs through the mist looked fantastic and the town very pleasant and we managed to find a decent Youngs pub called the Swan. We also managed to get to the next village called Sidford and find a very pleasant thatched pub called the Blue Ball ( The beer was rather generic (Tribute and Doombar) but decently kept. When we met up with our friend Helen earlier we showed her the photos and she said they looked sepia and with a load of prep and the upcoming inspection that's rather my mood this weekend. Hopefully, by the end next week I shall  have got back to normal and will get back to foraging. Still, my sloe and bullace gin has made good drinking with the recent stress. Is it ever too early for gin? I think not.

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