Sunday 24 November 2013

Adventure 16: A Hodge Podge of Shizzle

So today's post is a hodge podge of shizzle, photos and updates from the last week.

Firstly, foraging news. Had a very busy week at work but have had the time to work on my existing projects. Have added cinnamon now to my cherry liqueur which now smells fearsome! You can really smell the alcohol on it now. Cant wait till January! The pear one sadly just smells like pear... But the sloe and bullace gin is going well. I am considering what to do with the other 1kg of sloes. Wanna find out what else I can do... Sloe wine perhaps? My only casualty was my 2l kilner jar full of homebrew which exploded all over my carpet! What the hell! This is the second 2l jar from kilner which has done this. Normally, I think their products are great but I would seriously avoid these big jars. They really dont make the cut and I will be writing to them this week to complain.

As for the weekend, Levi and I went to Dawlish yesterday. A cute little seaside town near Exeter it has a gorgeous little river with ducks, a very welcoming community pub called the Swan ( which is always worth a visit (with a warm range and hunters beers) and our newest find is Gay's Creamery (! A really awesome family run shop full of local jams, ale, toffee and cake. Christmas presents here we come (good excuse to go back anyroad)!

Then today we went to the Christmas Market by Exeter Cathedral. Levs and I had an opportunity to browse the local produce (We were particularly enamoured with the nettle cheese, chorizo and mead). The amaretto Gluhwein was a delicious plus!

Next weekend, I will be off to Ireland and will be having a good look round to see what I can find in my field. Til then...!

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