Monday 16 September 2013

Adventure 4: A downward turn for this particular domestic goddess.... (13-15.09.2013)

Since posting last, things have taken a serious down turn in the life of this particular domestic goddess (I  knew it would be too good to be true that I could actually make things!). The dandelion marmalade still hasn't set (grrr....) and to make me even more distraught my second batch of hawthorn jelly hasn't either (I wonder if freezing the haws damaged the pectin levels?). I will be looking into the possibility of rescuing these  today but am not hopeful. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know!

On a more positive note, hubby and I went for a walk at the weekend, the first since I did my knee in. It was only short - just under two miles on the flat, but it felt like a positive step - I really miss hiking! We started at Exton, where we had an extremely overpriced pint - nearly four quid at the Puffing Billy ( It seems to have a very nice (albeit dear) menu. Maybe one day we might have enough money to sample its delights. We then walked along the railway line, past the Marine training base (full of beautiful raw recruits hanging off climbing frames) to Lympstone Village. I may have exasperated my new hubby a tad by stopping every two seconds to collect rosehips (they make good tea I'm told) but he was amply rewarded with a nice pint of Bays Gold in the Swan (

I have since spotted a number of ripe red rosehips on the way to Aldi near St Thomas and will be returning with my foraging bucket forthwith.

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