Friday, 13 September 2013

Adventure 1 - Blackberry Hunting (10.09.13)

Ok, so its a pretty timid start to foraging. I mean, who hasn't picked a blackberry? But this, is how my adventures have begun. On Monday, I met my husband after work and we walked down the footpath on the way to Exeter University on our way to the fantastic Rusty Bike Pub for a quick pint (if you're interested in locally sourced good food and real ale please see: and he pointed out the mass of blackberry bushes. We ate our plenty and went on our way. Next day, I went back to the path armed with bags. I explored the field off the end of the path and down into the valley beneath the university. I found many blackberries and even a couple of sloes and went home happy. I was intitially tempted to try and make blackberry vodka with them, but unfortunately, job seekers doesn't stretch far and I wanted to save my pennies for the gin, so I found this recipe for Blackberry Jam instead:

Recipe for Blackberry Jam

  • 750g blackberries
  • 900g sugar
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 160ml water
Mash blackberries, add sugar, lemon juice and water in pan. Boil and stir for 8-10 mins and then put in sterilised jars. 

Result: 2 jars and a bowl of delicious blackberry jam! Bon appetit! 

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